About Mary

Mary Carreón is a dynamic journalist whose work explores the intersection of culture, drug policy, and the environment. As Senior Editor at DoubleBlind, she empowers writers to craft stories that spark meaningful dialogue and encourage readers to think and engage with diverse issues.

She co-founded the Hyphae Leaks podcast, hosted on Psychedelics Today’s platform, where she dives into the complexities of the psychedelics space. You can find more of her work in Billboard, KCRW/NPR, Insider, The LAnd Magazine, High Times Magazine, OC Weekly, LA Weekly, and more.

An experienced moderator, Mary has shared her insights on panels at major conferences like Wonderland Miami, SXSW, and MAPS’s Psychedelic Science. Additionally, she graduated in the top 5% of her cohort from UCLA’s paralegal certificate program.

Follow Mary on Instagram or reach out to her at marycarreonwrites@gmail.com.

The First Black-Owned Psychedelic Church In the US Is Open in Oakland

Last August, I found myself in the heart of Oakland, California, where the air was thick — humid, cloudy, and unmistakably infused with the aroma of sungrown cannabis. That’s because the Emerald Cup, the OG cannabis awards show and music festival, had descended upon the city, dragging along its orbit of legendary after-parties, where LSD, mushrooms, and everything in between flow like the Eel River at the beginning of spring. But this year, one of the best afters went down at Akoma...

Election Stress Drives Americans to Psychedelic Therapy for Relief

It was impossible to avoid. For the past two months, everything has revolved around the election. Trashy ads on TV screamed about Kamala Harris supporting transgender prisoners receiving transition-related care and Trump taking away abortion rights and taxing the middle and lower classes into permanent generational paralysis. Local and state-level politicians across the country mercilessly attacked each other in ads, hurling accusations of lies and criminal behavior. It all felt like a Jerry Spr...

Defending Ayahuasca from Extinction and Supporting the Shipibo-Conibo Community

In September 2024, DoubleBlind reported on an urgent gathering attended by over one hundred Shipibo-Conibo Onanyabo, or ancestral medicine healers, from the Ucayali region of Peru. They met in July to discuss the future of spiritual tourism, the defense of traditional knowledge, and the protection of the forest and Indigenous territories. One of the main takeaways from the meeting was ayahuasca is under threat of extinction.

Combining Ozempic with Psychedelic Compound May Treat Diabetes, Research Suggests

Millions of individuals who have type 1 or type 2 diabetes rely on insulin injections or medications to manage their blood sugar levels. This medical condition arises from the destruction of the pancreas’s limited beta cells — the sole source of insulin in the body. But now researchers say there might be a way to regenerate these cells, allowing diabetics to produce more insulin naturally. A new study looking at combining harmine — found in Syrian Rue and Banisteriopsis caapi — with obesity medi...

Shipibo-Conibo Leaders Sound the Alarm About the Extinction of Ayahuasca

In July, over one hundred Shipibo-Conibo Onanyabo, or ancestral medicine healers, from the Ucayali region of Peru urgently convened to discuss the future of spiritual tourism, the defense of traditional knowledge, and the protection of the forest and Indigenous territories — all of which are increasingly under siege. Hosted at the Instituto Superior Pedagógico Bilíngue de Yarinacocha, the gathering addressed critical issues impacting the Amazon Forest and its inhabitants. Carta Capital reports t...

Jon Hopkins' New Album "Ritual" Is About Primal Embodiment

Describing Grammy-nominated producer Jon Hopkins’ latest album Ritual as a commercial record is inaccurate. While it’s technically organized into eight separate tracks, it’s impossible to determine when one song ends and another begins. Referring to these tracks as “songs” might also be confusing because it implies lyrics or traditional singing, but that also isn’t entirely accurate — even though angelic vocals are strewn throughout. Like a psychedelic experience, Ritual is ineffable...

Psilocybin-Assisted Group Therapy Can Reduce Shame in People Living with HIV

Shame can be a major stressor for people who live with HIV. It can lead to circumstances such as increased substance use, risky sexual behavior, increased likelihood of incarceration, insecure housing, not getting the proper healthcare, and make the task of living with HIV far more negative than necessary, according to the National Institute of Health. Researchers argue that these challenges can, in turn, make it more difficult to reach national goals for ending the HIV epidemic. A new study pub...

LSD Is on Deck As New Treatment for PMS and PMDD

We’ve all heard about the studies looking into psychedelics and mental health. But what about using psychedelics for women’s health issues? As in, specifically working with psychedelics to treat the hormonal discomfort of a woman’s moon cycle? If you’re a bleeding psychonaut, you probably have anecdotal data on how this works (the answer is great, in case you didn’t know, and for more than just moodiness). Now, a biotech firm is aiming to publish hard data on this subject.

Psilocybin Mushroom Potency Can Degrade by Nearly 50% in Six Months, New Data Shows

We’ve all been there. You acquire mushrooms, eat some, and store the rest in a shoebox in the back of your closet. Next thing you know, six months fly by, and you remember the pot of hallucinatory gold sitting next to a storage bin of junk you never unpacked from your last move. You ransack your closet and unearth the package of mushies. They look the same; a little crispy, but nothing out of the ordinary. You wonder: Are they still good?

Church of the Eagle and the Condor Can Now Drink Ayahuasca Legally in the US

The prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor has manifested. Following a years-long legal battle, the Church of the Eagle and the Condor has successfully settled with the US Department of Justice (DOJ), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to legally use ayahuasca as an integral part of its religious practices.
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